My friend just returned me the old book. When you want to escape from sth, the universe never cease to remind you of it. That's how I feel now.
The first read, I was so angry with Rachel. How could she? How dare she? I played victim as I tasted the bitter of betrayal.
The second read, I felt so touched for Dex and Rachel. I was touched by their courage and their happy ending. I wish every love could be cherished as I tasted the bitter-sweet of a scandal. Love should only be love, nothing more or less. To love and be loved is the only bonding instead of responsibility. However, we are no Dex and Rachel.
Life surprised me with your love. I thought things should be right or wrong, black or white. You're the all tones of grey. And, I'm no white, at least not as white as I thought I was.
I remembered when I first said NO, and you overruled the decision in hours. I struggled in our chemistry. I remembered I even texted my ex after our first fight just to ask him if any possibility you would leave her for me. How silly! I know! I just need some courage to carry on. I need some success cases to keep me believe there is true love in affair and Dex and Rachel is not novelty.
After our N-times break up, I finally decided to try someone else... Keep keep keep trying...
And I kept kept kept running back to you. The forces were so strong that I couldn't help myself. That's why I stop befriend you. Darling, I would never get over you when you're always there for me. And I can't do that anymore, the mistress. I fed up with all the nights where my boyfriend was only on the mobile. I had enough of happy moments or pictures where you're only behind the scene. I'm not sorry for wanting more and loving myself.
I'm sorry for loving you.
I watched Scandal again when I miss you.
FYI, all the scandals are similar.
#stillnotoveryou #butsoon #goingtobuynewphonenextmonthformybirthday #throwingawaythephoneyouboughtformybirthday