Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Calls answered





Saturday, 2 June 2018

Good Morning




Missed calls

I miss you, truly.
Though I missed you calls.
And you know why.
I will miss you afar, forever.
I wish I would still get your missed calls, as long as...
We are missing each other
though we are missing literally!


I am vulnerable tonight. Have to admit that you still own me but you never belong to me.
What you did to me?
What I did to myself?

Oh gosh! Why would this happen to me?
The one who saved me from drowning is giving me a tsunami.
How to kick you off my mind, my heart, my soul if my subconscious doesn't want to?
How to love again when I still see you in my dreams?
How to feel loved again when he's no you?

I miss the days when we could see ourselves in each other's eyes.
I hate todays when we still want to but we can't.
I, once, thought I could move on easily with any loss since I had learnt my lesson from the ugly history. You've proved me wrong. As my brain still rewinding our moments, my heart still racing to see your numbers appeared on my mobile, I still check on your moment updates every night before I go to bed, I still listen to the songs in our collection and you're still the one person I want to share my thoughts with. I think of telling you, what I had for lunch, the story I recently addicted to, Mei Ting's new bf, I miss Cassandra, I fell from stairs last month, my action Song team got 2nd-runner up in state level competition, etc. I am longing for your care, you might not interested in my meals but you have no choice, you gotta listen to my boring and long grandma stories just about lunch, or you might just shut me up by telling me your even more boring work stuffs, you might tease me for having too much reading time or you might discuss passionately with me, you might curious about the lucky man who got meiting, you understand I miss cassandra and might spare my attention from it, you might scold me for the fall and yet bring me to the loh sifu, you might celebrate my victory as you know how I work for it these few years, or you might ask me stop doing action songs as I achieved what I promised myself, you might or you might not. I wouldn't know. One thing I know for sure, for however you respond, that's the way I desperately demanding.

I start murmuring... Wondering if you could finish reading... You know your English level la...

#又特地写Linda 开头
#Google 翻译不见得准
#如果有如果 #我们中学要同校 #我们中学就相遇 #我们那时就相爱 #我们会幸福 #我们会白头
#如果有如果 #下辈子不要迟到 #同样的我们 #不同的身份 #让故事好好发展 #给故事幸福结局
#就算没有如果 #任性的成全了我们的回忆 #足矣
